This function prints the metid logo in ASCII art along with version information and a link to the official website. It provides a visual and informative message to users when they interact with the package.
This function prints messages and ASCII art to the console, but it does not return any value.
The function prints the following:
- A thank you message for using `metid`
- The current version of `metid` and the last update date
- A URL link for more information
- An ASCII art representation of the `metid` logo
#> Thank you for using metid!
#> Version 1.2.33 (2024-09-25 17:07:25.747276)
#> More information:
#> _ _____ ___
#> _ __ ___ ___| |_ \_ \/ \
#> | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ __| / /\/ /\ /
#> | | | | | | __/ |_/\/ /_/ /_//
#> |_| |_| |_|\___|\__\____/___,'