This function checks whether the input adduct table is valid by ensuring it is a data frame and contains the required columns (`adduct` and `mz`). It also validates the data types of the columns and checks for any missing values.
The function does not return a value but throws an error if the adduct table is invalid.
The function performs several checks on the `adduct.table`: * Ensures that the input is a data frame. * Confirms the presence of the required columns: `adduct` (character) and `mz` (numeric). * Verifies that the `adduct` column is of character type and the `mz` column is numeric. * Checks for missing values (`NA`) in either column.
If any of these conditions are not met, the function throws an error with a message explaining the issue.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Example of a valid adduct table
adduct_table <- data.frame(
adduct = c("(M+H)+", "(M+Na)+"),
mz = c(1.0073, 22.9893)
# Validate the adduct table
# Example of an invalid adduct table (missing 'mz' column)
invalid_table <- data.frame(
adduct = c("(M+H)+", "(M+Na)+")
check_adduct_table(invalid_table) # This will throw an error
} # }